The purpose of this policy is to recognize employees for their length of service to the City.
The City may grant longevity pay, funds permitting and upon approval of the City Council, solely in recognition of length of service to the City. If paid, classified full-time and classified part-time employees shall be eligible to receive longevity pay, providing they have completed five (5) consecutive, uninterrupted years of service or more with the City as of December 1st. If paid, longevity shall be distributed to employees by December 15th. Classified full-time employees shall receive $3.00 for each full month of service, and classified part-time employees shall receive $1.50 for each full month of service. The maximum longevity payment a classified full-time employee may receive is $1,000.00, and the maximum longevity payment a classified part-time employee may receive is $500.00.
Longevity pay will be run as a separate payroll run, and will be subject to social security, federal, state & KPERS (if employee is a member) withholding.