The purpose of the loss control program is to establish a system to promote the safety and health of every employee. The goal, as an employer, is to provide the safest possible working conditions for employees and, as a service organization, to provide a safe environment for the public using our services. The executive management fully supports all efforts that will provide safe working conditions for employees and/or safe living conditions for citizens.

The City of Hillsboro holds in high regard the safety, welfare and health of its employees. Furthermore, the KMIT believes that most accidents can be prevented. In recognition of this, the City of Hillsboro will constantly work toward:

·         the maintenance of safe and healthful working conditions for employees;

·         consistent adherence to proper operating practices and procedures designed to prevent injury, illness, property damage and liabilities, including proper preventive maintenance techniques;

·         conscientious observance of federal, state and city safety regulations; and

·         lawful, safe, efficient and courteous operation of all motorized vehicles, both street and off-road, by all employees during their employment. Employees will adhere to the Motor Fleet Policy as well as the Kansas Motor Vehicle Codes for the correct operation of their vehicle.

It is our desire to provide a safe working environment and keep injuries to the absolute minimum or eliminate injuries altogether, thus protecting our most valuable asset, our employees. The loss control objective is to focus attention on production and thereby contribute significantly to the efficiency of an operation. One of the most important contributions an employee can provide to the organization is performance of all tasks in the safest possible manner. Safety increases productivity and thereby contributes to the overall objectives of the organization. When incorporated with other management efforts, loss control techniques have an effect upon the reduction of personnel injuries, property damage and work interruptions. By placing constant emphasis on the refinement of operational procedures, employee awareness and safe working conditions, it is possible to eventually eliminate the cause and effect of losses


The governing body for the City of Hillsboro realizes that employees are one of our most valuable assets. In order to protect our employees, our property, and ultimately our financial stability, this organization fully supports the loss prevention efforts of the executive management. Realizing that the management is fully aware of all pertinent and applicable federal, state, local statues, laws, rules, regulations or ordinances, the authority for development, implementation, monitoring, and revision of the loss control program is placed with the executive management.


There is a wide diversity of operations within organizations. Managers are given latitude in formulating and implementing alternative methods when necessary as long as the intent of the loss control program is not compromised.

The responsibility for the development, implementation and administrations of the loss control program is assigned to the loss control coordinator. The loss control coordinator will use recognized standards when promulgating safety standards, policies or procedures. The loss control coordinator also has the authority to stop all operations that are immediately dangerous to the life or health of either the employees or the general public. This authority will remain in effect until appropriate officials have been notified. The operation will be allowed to continue after the conditions have been corrected.

It is the intent of the executive management, by way of this signature, to enter into an agreement to support all facets of the loss control program.






I understand that this handbook is a general guide and that the provisions of this handbook do not constitute an employment agreement (contract) or a guarantee to continue employment. I further understand that this organization reserves the right to change the provisions of this handbook at any time.

I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment is for no definite period and may, regardless of the date of payment of my wage and salary, be terminated at any time without prior notice.

I also understand and agree to abide by all recognized Federal and State safety rules, regulations, and laws as well as company safety policies, rules or procedures. Failure to do so may be grounds for discipline up to and including termination.

I have received a copy of the City of Hillsboro 2004 Personnel Policies & Guidelines on the date listed below.


EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE ______________________________________________

DATE                               _________________________________