The purpose of this policy is to indicate the procedures for driveway approaches on streets where the city is repairing or replacing curbing.
The city will include replacing an existing driveway approach at the existing dimensions when curb repair or replacement is being done on any street that affects any driveway approach.
The city will include a curb radius approach with a single 8’ driveway width to any property in such project area at the request of the property owner prior to design or construction.
Any additional driveway approach or expansion of dimension for said approach will be at the expense of the owner. Upon application for such additional or expansion of driveway approach, the city will provide property owner with a project cost for the additional work.
Any property owner seeking a driveway approach on any street, not under construction, shall make application for a curb cut and meet all necessary requirements therein. Application for curb cuts will be made available at City Hall. Curb cut applications will be approved by the building inspector before construction is to begin, and must meet final inspection by the building inspector. These improvements must be done at the expense of the property owner.
Requirements for driveway approaches shall be to the specifications in Attachment 1 for the policy.
requirements may be subject to change to conform to size of easements or in
consideration of other conditions that may exist.