The City Council hereby establishes rules and regulations for the rental of city-owned buildings.
1. The City of Hillsboro has priority for use all city owned facilities and all rentals are subject to availability. The City reserves the right to determine availability for any renter based on city need, terms of this policy and previous actions of specific renters.
2. All rentals of the City owned facilities are subject to rental fees and a refundable deposit. Community serving nonprofit organizations, civic groups and churches will still be required to provide a refundable deposit. Rental fees may be waived for community serving nonprofit organizations and civic groups for the purpose of conducting meetings. Churches will not be charged a rental fee for special worship services or study groups. Church groups are not allowed to conduct regular ongoing services in public facilities.
3. Churches, civic groups or community serving nonprofit organizations can request waiver of rental fees for fundraising activities provided the fundraising activities are primarily to support community activities and are not for the primary benefit of the organization.
4. During community-wide events, such as the Arts and Crafts Fair or downtown block parties, the city may opt to make exceptions to rental agreement rules as may be needed to promote the success of community-wide events. Decisions on those variations are up to the Mayor and City Council or their official designee.
5. The meeting rooms at City Hall, the Scout House, and Golf Clubhouse are available for rent and are subject to the Rental rates and rules provided in section 3 of this policy.
Rental charges are as follows:
City Hall- $50.00 rental fee, plus $30.00 refundable deposit includes both meeting rooms and kitchen
Scout House- $75.00 rental fee, plus $50.00 refundable deposit
Golf Clubhouse- $75.00 rental fee, plus $50.00 refundable deposit
All rentals of City facilities are subject to the following rules:
1. Reservations for use of these rooms may be made by contacting the city office. Reservations are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. Reservations are not considered complete until the city has received the required deposit and signed agreement.
2. The City of Hillsboro reserves the right to refuse or cancel reservations if a conflict arises pertaining to City affairs.
3. Occupancy rules limit the size of the gathering that can occur at any city-owned facility. The combined occupancy of the city hall meeting rooms and kitchen is 110 people (50 in east room and 60 people in the west room). The Scout House will accommodate up to 64 people. The Golf Clubhouse can accommodate up to 50 people.
4. Setting up the chairs and tables is the responsibility of the renter. All chairs and tables must be returned to their storage place or returned to the previous alignment after the rental date. All trash shall be placed in the provided containers.
5. Renters are not allowed to tape and/or pin posters, signs, or other decor on painted walls. Any signs, posters, or décor can be hung using non-marking means. All hangers must be removed by the renter.
6. Floors, tables, counters, appliances will be cleaned after each use by renter. Minimal cleanup equipment and trash containers will be supplied for renter’s use. All trash must be taken to trash or recycling dumpsters outside of the facility. Items left in the refrigerator by renters will be thrown out. Excessive items left will result in the loss of deposit.
7. Renters are not allowed to cut/slice directly on countertops.
8. The use of the Scout House fireplace by renters is prohibited. Rental of the Scout House does not include the exclusive use of Memorial Park amenities. Memorial Park amenities are open to the public and subject to public use.
9. Keys for the rental facilities are to be picked up from City Hall on the day determined at the time of rental. Renters will be given a pickup date and asked to identify who is picking up the keys. Keys will not be given for the rental until the full rental fee has been paid.
10. It is the responsibility of the renter to turn off the lights and to lock all doors after use. Keys are to be returned to the office the next business day or left in the utility drop box at City Hall.
11. It is the responsibility of the renter to return the heating and air conditioning to 60 degrees after rentals. Failure to do so may result in the loss of deposit.
12. Deposits will be returned to renters only after the facility has been inspected by a city employee. Renters will be liable for any damage to the facility.
13. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in the City Hall and Scout House facilities. Renters choosing to allow alcoholic beverages at the Golf Clubhouse accept all legal responsibility for those actions. No illegal consumption of alcohol or other substances is allowed at any city facility. Illegal behavior is subject to law enforcement action.
14. No boisterous activities that disturb the peace will be allowed by renters. Damage done by the renter, or their guests will be the responsibility of the renter. If the deposit amount does not cover damages to the facility, the city will seek damages through other means and reserves the right to deny future rentals by the renter.