The purpose of the swimming pool policy is to provide rules and guidelines for the operation and management of the Hillsboro Municipal Pool.


1.    Must take shower before entrance into water – State Law.

2.    Authorized personnel only is allowed in the concession stand.

3.    Only lifeguards will be allowed on guard stands.

4.    No running.

5.    No rough play.

6.    No tag.

7.    Diving in the shallow end is prohibited.

8.    Diving area approximately up to guard stand.

9.    No diving with mask and/or snorkel in diving area.

10.  Hanging on the rope is prohibited.

11.  Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

12.  Profanity and vulgar remarks are prohibited.

13.  Small children must be accompanied by a responsible individual.

14.  Adult supervision is required for all non-swimmers.

15.  No gum.

16.  Appropriate bathing attire must be worn, no cut-offs.

17.  No excessive clothing allowed in the pool unless worn for valid reason, such as prevention of sunburn, etc. (this includes policy of no towels in pool)

18.  Any questionable behavior will be called by the lifeguard.

19.  “Kick-Out” rules – 1st time – 1 day; 2nd time – 1 week; 3rd time – season.

20.  Personal items brought in to the pool must be approved by management prior to use. (sponge balls, noodles, snorkels, tubs, etc.)

21.  Swimmer’s break every hour, 5 minutes till the hour until 5 minutes past the hour.

22.  Once swimmer (other than adult) leaves immediate pool area, they will not be allowed back into the pool until the next season begins; afternoon swimmers with paid admissions must sign up at concession stand if they wish to return in evening.

23.  The management supports all decisions made by the lifeguards – please take complaints to the management.


1.    One person on the board at a time.

2.    One bounce an entry.

3.    Go straight off the end of the board.

4.    After entry, swim directly to the ladder and exit.

5.    Swimming in the diving area is prohibited.

6.    Hanging on the board is prohibited.

7.    Any behavior the lifeguard questions will be called.

8.    Diving blocks for Swim Team use only.

9.    The management supports all decisions made by the lifeguards – please take complaints to the management.


1.    Slide in sitting position only, feet first.

2.    One person allowed on slide at a time, including the ladder.

3.    No obstructive articles. (tubes, noodles, rings, etc.)


1.    “No Lifeguard on Duty”.

2.    Children must be accompanied by a responsible individual.

3.    No diapers. Infants and toddlers must wear swim pants or disposable items designed specifically for swimming.

4.    No children 6 or older in baby pool unless accompanied by parent.

PUBLIC SWIM HOURS:  Opening day, closing day & public swim hours will be determined by city council with recommendation by Recreation Dept staff

ADMISSION:       Will be determined by city council

SEASON PASS:    Will be determined by city council

Members qualifying for family season tickets are IRS dependents only.

PRIVATE PARTY POOL RENTAL:         Will be determined by city council

PRIVATE PARTY RENTAL HOURS:      Will be determined by Recreation Department staff

RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONS:      The City will pay the cost of the lifeguard on duty during Red Cross swimming lessons.

SWIM TEAM:      Swim Team is sponsored by the Recreation Commission. They will be responsible for reimbursing the City for the cost of the lifeguard on duty (salary & fringe benefits).

PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS:           Anyone giving private swimming lessons at the swimming pool shall reimburse the City for the cost of the lifeguard on duty (salary & fringe benefits).

All private lessons, parties and classes need to be cleared with the pool manager.