The airport board consists of five members, at least three shall be residents of the city to be appointed by the mayor, with approval of the council.

(Ord. 915, Sec. 1)

The term for members shall be for a period of two years, which is established to permit overlapping of the terms; two appointments to be made on January 1, 1992, and three appointments to be made on January 1, 1993, thereafter to be made to fill expired terms. In the event a vacancy should occur during a term, a successor shall be appointed to complete the vacant term on recommendation from the board, with appointment by mayor and city council.

(Ord. 915, Sec. 1)

The airport board shall serve at the pleasure of the city for the purpose of planning for maintenance and future improvements to the benefit of the city; to keep and render account of all fees, rentals and other income paid for use of the facilities and to recommend annual budgets to the city council. Expenditure of funds allocated to the board or received as income, shall be made upon consultation with the city.

(Ord. 915, Sec. 1)

The board may make its rules of organization and shall keep a journal of its meetings. A majority shall constitute a quorum for convening a meeting. Members are to serve without pay.

(Ord. 915, Sec. 1)

(a)   It has been declared by Kansas statutes and herein adopted as in the public interest for the city that the landing strip and runway, taxi area, fuel servicing area, hangers and outbuildings are investment of public funds for the city airport and that it shall be declared in the public interest that these investments shall be protected in the general welfare and public interest of the city.

(b)   The city, airport board, or their respective designees may rent hangars located at the airport for rentals set forth in Section 1-1101.

(Ord. 874, Sec. 1; Ord. 1400)

That except in case of air emergency, it shall be unlawful to land or take-off of all aircraft of a weight in excess of 12,000 pounds including cargo and passenger aircraft.

(Ord. 874, Sec. 2; Ord. 1269)

Aircraft shall not fuel or refuel except in the manner specified and at the locations established and designated for this purpose.

(Ord. 874, Sec. 3)

Violation of these regulations and restrictions shall be and constitute a Class A violation as defined by Article 12, Section 12.1, 12.2 of the Uniform Public Offense Code resulting in a maximum term of confinement in the Marion County Jail not to exceed on year and/or a fine in an amount not exceeding $2,500.

(Ord. 874, Sec. 5)