Article 1. Municipal Water System.. 1

15-101.  Application for service. 1

15-102.  Reserved. 1

15-103.  Superintendent to have supervision. 1

15-104.  All water to be metered. 1

15-105.  City make connections; fee. 1

15-106.  Every premise to have separate connection. 1

15-107.  Service pipe to be installed by licensed operator only. 1

15-108.  Trenching and backfilling. 1

15-109.  Character of pipe and service connections. 2

15-110.  Curb cocks. 2

15-111.  Check valves required. 2

15-112.  Cost of installation by consumer. 2

15-113.  Extension of mains. 2

15-114.  Individual installation of pipe and service connections by persons or corporations outside of city limits. 2

15-115.  Care of meters. 3

15-116.  City only to remove or repair meters. 3

15-117.  No allowance for leaks. 3

15-118.  Meter reading conclusive. 3

15-119.  Meter seals. 3

15-120.  Testing meters. 3

15-121.  Right of entry. 4

15-122.  Water account in name of consumer. 4

15-123.  Municipal water system application and new service utility hookup fee. 4

15-124.  Sprinkling streets. 4

15-125.  Use of water during fire. 4

15-126.  Fire pressure. 5

15-127.  Taking water without authority. 5

15-128.  Tampering with cut-off valves. 5

15-129.  City reserves right to discontinue service. 5

15-130.  City clerk or water superintendent to keep records. 5

15-131.  City clerk or water superintendent to make out bills; supervise collection. 5

15-132.  Rates. 5

15-133.  Rates - commercial & multiple dwellings. 6

15-134.  Rates - commercial contractual 6

15-135.  Reserved. 6

15-136.  Water, sewer, delinquency, notice, hearing, termination. 6

15-137.  Water and sewer reconnect fee. 6

15-138.  Water rationing; use restricted or stopped. 6

15-139.  Water rationing; imposing restrictions. 7

15-140.  Water rationing; water restrictions. 7

15-141.  City does not guarantee service. 7

15-142.  Fluoridate water. 7

Article 2. Electric Department 8

15-201.  Contract for service. 8

15-202.  Service application. 8

15-203.  Service. 8

15-204.  Payment of bills. 8

15-205.  Customer’s responsibility. 9

15-206.  Right of entry. 9

15-207.  Meter installation and location. 9

15-208.  Removal of meters. 10

15-209.  Standards of accuracy. 10

15-210.  Estimated bills. 10

15-211.  Connected load. 10

15-212.  Maximum demand. 10

15-213.  Phase, frequency, voltage. 11

15-214.  Payment of electric costs, termination; hearing, termination; new service utility hookup charge as a condition of service; collection of electrical costs. 11

15-215.  Electrical reconnect fee. 12

15-216.  Minimum charges. 12

15-217.  Residential lighting. 12

15-218.  Residential rates and commercial rates. 12

15-219.  Commercial schedule. 13

15-220.  Residential rates outside city limits. 13

15-221.  Temporary service. 13

15-222.  Rates; street lights. 13

15-223.  Power cost adjustment. 14

15-224.  Contract power. 14

15-225.  Interconnection standards for customer-owned renewable electric generation facilities and distributed generation. 15

Article 3. Heating and Cooling Standards. 17

15-301.  Definitions. 17

15-302.  Certificate required. 17

15-303.  Standards. 18

Article 4. Private Water Wells 19

15-401.  Compliance required. 19

15-402.  Private well defined. 19

15-403.  Permit required. 19

15-404.  Same; fee. 19

15-405.  Inspect site. 19

15-406.  Well inspection. 19

15-407.  Cross connections banned. 19

15-408.  Connections banned for certain property. 20

15-409.  Disconnect public water supply. 20

15-410.  Penalty. 20

Article 5. Refuse Collection and Disposal 21

15-501.  System established. 21

15-502.  Definitions. 21

15-503.  Prohibition. 22

15-504.  Garbage, rubbish; frequency of collection. 23

15-505.  Containers; specifications. 23

15-506.  Construction, demolition and renovation waste. 23

15-507.  Yard waste. 23

15-508.  Hazardous waste. 23

15-509.  Collection and billing. 23

15-510.  Licensed garbage and rubbish, collectors. 24

15-511.  Residential charges. 24

15-512.  Commercial charges. 24

15-513.  Dumpster rental. 27

Article 6. Sewers. 29

15-601.  Definitions. 29

15-602.  Disposal of sewage. 30

15-603.  Natural outlet. 30

15-604.  Privy unlawful. 30

15-605.  Public sewer; connection required. 30

15-606.  Private sewer system. 31

15-607.  Same; permit. 31

15-608.  Same. 31

15-609.  Same; discharge. 31

15-610.  Same; sanitary manner. 31

15-611.  Same; additional requirements; health officer. 31

15-612.  Same. 31

15-613.  Damage to sewers. 32

15-614.  Discharges. 32

15-615.  Same. 32

15-616.  Same. 32

15-617.  Damage. 32

15-618.  Connections; private sewer. 32

15-619.  Same. 32

15-620.  Costs. 32

15-621.  Separate sewer for every building. 33

15-622.  Old building sewers. 33

15-623.  Permits; classes. 33

15-624.  Same; specifications. 33

15-625.  Sewer specifications. 33

15-626.  Sewer elevation. 33

15-627.  Same. 34

15-628.  Same. 34

15-629.  Connection to public sewer. 34

15-630.  Inspection before connection to public sewer. 34

15-631.  Barricades and lights. 34

15-632.  Connections. 34

15-633.  Unlawful discharges. 35

15-634.  Same; discretion of director. 35

15-635.  Same; procedure. 36

15-636.  Interceptors. 37

15-637.  Same. 37

15-638.  Same. 37

15-639.  Same. 38

15-640.  Entering premises; inspections. 38

15-641.  Same. 39

15-642.  Same. 39

15-643.  Same. 39

15-644.  Charges. 39

Article 7. Recycling. 40

15-701.  Refuse collection; supplement. 40

15-702.  Recycling; site and times established. 40

15-703.  Same; agreement. 40

15-704.  Same; service and access. 41

15-705.  Toxic or hazardous deposits prohibited. 41

15-706.  Residential charges. 41

15-707.  Commercial charges. 41

Article 8. Water Conservation. 43

15-801.  Purpose. 43

15-802.  Definitions. 43

15-803.  Declaration of water watch. 43

15-804.  Voluntary conservation measures. 44

15-805.  Mandatory conservation measures. 44

15-806.  Emergency water rates. 45

15-807.  Regulations. 45

15-808.  Violations, disconnections and penalties. 45

15-811.  Emergency termination. 46

Article 9. Utility Pole Attachment 47

15-901.  Pole attachments. 47

15-902.  Pole attachment fee rates. 47

15-903.  Payment and affidavit. 47

15-904.  Agreement required. 47

15-905.  Penalty for violation. 48