Article 1. Uniform Public Offense
Code. 1
11-101. Uniform public offense code
incorporated. 1
Article 2. Local Regulations 2
11-201. Criminal use of noxious matter. 2
11-203. Trespassing for purpose of parking
vehicle. 2
11-206. Disturbance of religious assemblies. 3
11-207. Loitering; streets, public places. 3
11-208. Loudspeakers, sound amplifiers:
permits. 3
11-211. Possession, delivery of marihuana. 4
11-212. Sale, inhalation; toxic vapors, glue,
related products. 4
11-213. Unlawful to sell, explode or discharge
fireworks. 4
11-216. Unnecessary loud noises within the city
limits 5
11-217. Operation of engine exhaust devices
restricted. 6
11-218. Defecation or urination of human waste
on public property. 6
11-219. Tobacco prohibition. 6